First off, a congratulation is in order! Welcome to the mamas or mamas-to-be club! Woohoo, savor your sleep now sister.
But really, what a magical time. Whether you just had a child, or you are about to have a baby, this is a beautiful time in your life.
With a new baby (or baby on the way), I'm sure you are doing everything under the sun to make sure your little one is as healthy as possible. We are here to help.
Here are 5 simple tips to keep you and your baby healthy!
For your health and your babies health, you should minimize your exposure to harmful and toxic chemicals.
Harmful chemicals that you can avoid in your beauty products are called parabens. Parabens are preservatives that are put into products to extend their shelf life.
Unfortunately, studies have found that parabens may cause cancer. For more information you can go here or here.
It's so so so important to only put healthy, natural, and organic products on your skin. Check your makeup, shaving creams, shampoos, and skin care and throw away any paraben-filled product!
Eavara always uses natural, healthy, botanical and organic ingredients - never toxic and harmful parabens.
If you are interested in learning more, you can read our blog about parabens here.
I wasn't joking when I said savor your sleep. Sleep might look a little different for you now. Maybe you're not as comfortable, or have aches and pains.
Prioritizing sleep is the key to getting enough sleep.
Easy Tips for Getting Better Sleep:
1. Develop a relaxing bedtime routine
2. Avoid electronics for at least an hour before bedtime
3. Make your bed as comfortable and inviting as possible
4. Try some relaxing stretching, yoga, or meditation before you go to bed
5. Keep your bedroom dark and cool
Tips For Sleeping Once You Have Had Your Baby!
1. Sleep when your baby sleeps.
2. Share the nights. If you have a partner you can work together. If you're formula feeding, you and your partner can share the feeds during the night. If you're breastfeeding, you can pump and your partner can give a bottle of your breast milk to your child during the night.
3. Ask friends or relatives for help.
4. Try relaxation exercises. You can do simple breathing exercises to help quiet and calm your mind to help you feel more refreshed!
5. Don't let stress rule your life.
When I say whole foods I don't mean go spend your whole paycheck at Whole Foods!
I mean nourish your body and your baby with nutrient-dense whole foods that are not highly processed. It is also recommended to eat Organic fruits and veggies so you can stay away from the pesticides sprayed on non-organic produce!
A great way to shop for whole and healthy foods is to stay on the outer rim of your grocery store where the fresh food is. Once you start wandering through those middle isles you might end up snagging the sneaky Oreos and Pringles.
Drinking enough water is always important, but when you are supporting your growing little human, the amount of fluid you need is much more.
You need that extra water to helps carry nutrients to your baby, flush out toxins (helps to prevent UTIs), and so much more.
When you are hydrating your body remember to also hydrate your skin! Daily moisturizing is essential for your changing body.
Did you know that your body can absorb up to 60% of what you put on it? It is important that you use moisturizers, creams, and makeup that are more natural and have less chemicals.
Eavara's Age Defying Moisturizer is full of natural and organic ingredients like Jojoba and Rosehip Oil that help to smooth and hydrate your skin. You can even use it on your belly if you want!
"This moisturizer with it's wonderful macadamia and kukui nut oils is perfect. I really try to use only organic products on my skin.
An amazing experience for my skin so far, and I highly recommend this to any and all who want to treat their skin right."
— Mici, Eavara Customer
So what is meditation anyways?
Meditation can be as simple as taking a moment to reconnect with your breath and become aware of your thoughts in the present. A couple of deep breathes to help center yourself can make a world of difference.
Mediation looks different for everyone, but the benefits are universal, especially during pregnancy.
Here are just a few benefits you can expect:
Reducing stress during and after your pregnancy journey is a key factor in keeping you and your baby healthy.
According to a study conducted by Obstetric Medicine, "prenatal stress can affect the health, development and long-term functioning of offspring via both direct and indirect pathways".
For more details check out the entire study here.
You might be thinking that this is your 9 months of freedom. You can sit back, eat those sneaky snacks, and freeze your gym membership.
While you definitely could do that, and trust me it sounds tempting, it probably is not in you or your baby's best interest.
Exercising during your pregnancy can actually help reduce with things like back pain, aching, boost your mood and energy levels, and promote a healthy sleep schedule.
It is also important to keep moving after pregnancy. Walking is the easiest form of exercise, try to get out at least once every day with your baby to get some fresh air.
Gentle stretching and yoga exercises will also support your overall health and well-being. There are many mommy yoga videos online. Here is a link you might want to explore.
Take a step back and look at all of the things we discussed that make up your life.
What an amazing time. Now is the time for you and your new babe!
Need to make some changes? You can start here with grabbing Natural and Organic Skin Care Products to make you feel fresh, smooth, and happy just like your baby!
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