6 Organic Anti-Aging Ingredients that Work Wonders
The last decade and a half has seen a boom in fresh, organic food. Kale has become all the rage; Whole Foods locations have multiplied across the country with the velocity of Starbucks, and the farm-to-table concept has gone from a niche market to a global craze.
There’s no doubt about it: we know organic food is good for us, and we’re willing to pay top dollar to get our hands on it.
A desire for wholesomeness extends to our beauty routines, with a recent survey revealing that 54% of women want similar, all-natural qualities in their skin care.
But given the rise in organic skincare products, searching through the surplus of information on natural options can leave a person’s head spinning.
Ready to go green? Here are 6 of the leading ingredients to look for in your organic skincare products:
Distilled from a nut that grows on a wild shrub throughout the Americas, jojoba seed oil bears a striking resemblance to sebum—the waxy, protective substance produced by our skin glands that’s stripped when we wash our face or, say, go for a swim.
When jojoba seed oil is applied, it functions as a natural softener in a non-greasy fashion, replenishing what’s lost by dryness and irritants.
It seals in moisture and operates as a protective shield against pollutants and weather.
Nope, this isn’t an obscure pop star from Big Sky Country; rather, Arnica Montana, which has been used by supermodels before runway shows for its flushing effects, derives from a European mountain daisy and is known for its amazing ability to clear acne and improve circulation.
The result? Glowy, Heidi Klum-like skin that’s worthy of a close-up.
Shea butter has been a mainstay in skin care for hundreds of years for a reason: the natural emollient—and one of Egypt’s Queen Nefertiti’s legendary beauty secrets—is extracted from a nut as well, only its oils are taken from the Shea tree of Western Africa.
With its high concentration of indispensable natural ingredients—from Vitamin E to allantoin—Shea butter is an antioxidant-rich savior for fine lines and wrinkles.
Perhaps best known for appearing in many of the beautiful leis of Hawaii, plumeria—or frangipani—gently scents organic products without the inclusion of the harsh chemicals commonly used in perfumes.
Coconut oil might just take the cake as the most cherished organic oil today. As prevalent in contemporary culture as petroleum jelly was in our grandmothers’ days, coconut oil is the definitive go-to source for dry skin, thirsty hair, and parched nails (not to mention its many wonders in the kitchen).
Look for it in your skincare products, as there’s an explanation behind the recent splash this ancient remedy has made: According to dermatologist Dr. Peter Lio, organic coconut oil—that which hasn’t gone through chemical refining—strengthens the skin barrier and acts as an antibacterial. (Coconut cream pie, anyone?)
Hibiscuses aren’t just one of the crowning jewels of the Hawaiian Islands: this vibrant herb (yes, herb) contains organic surfactants known as saponins that can naturally cleanse your skin.
Additionally, according to dermatologist Dr. Joel Schlessinger, hibiscus acts as an “epidermal multitasker that conditions skin, reduces inflammation, and delivers antioxidant protection.” In other words, forget the vase: we’ll take this blooming beauty for our face.
At Eavara Organic Skincare, we are all about harnessing the powers on nature to help you feel beautiful. Our belief is that skincare should be free of harmful chemicals and filled with natural ingredients.
Click below to see our moisturizer that contains all 6 of these anti-aging ingredients and learn more about our skincare.
Try our Organic Age Defying Moisturizer! It soothes, moisturizes and protects the skin.
Infused with:
+ Organic Rosehip Oil & Hyaluronic Acid!
This anti-aging daily moisturizer improves skin texture and boosts radiance. Apply morning and night to achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated complexion!
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Dr. Laurie Steelsmith is one of America's best known and respected Naturopathic Physicians
For the past 23 years, she’s helped countless patients achieve well-being as the Medical Director and Founder of Steelsmith Natural Health Center—a private, state-of-the-art healing center in Honolulu, Hawaii. Dr. Laurie Steelsmith is one of the most respected and well-known naturopathic physicians in the U.S.
With a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and a Master’s of Science in Natural Health Sciences, Dr. Laurie is an ardent proponent of taking an empowered approach to one’s health through the use of natural medicine and organic skincare.
What does Dr. Laurie think about Eavara...
"At Eavara, they care! They want women to have options, and to empower them to use Natural and Organic Skin Care Products that are free from harsh chemicals and parabens.
When it comes to parabens, Eavara does't just err on the side of caution—they promote discovering the paradise we all have within. I believe organic and natural skin care is an important part of your wellness routine.
It's why I back Eavara's proven formulas for revitalizing and reducing the effects of aging, naturally of course!"
See What Everyone Is Saying About Eavara:
Try our line of natural & effective skincare from Paradise.
Botanical Facial Cleanser
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Anti-Aging Youth Firming Serum
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Why do we do this? We want to make sure you are happy with your purchase. Plus, naturally derived skincare can take longer to see results and we want to give you the opportunity to try out the products for as long as you need to.
We love to hear from customers, so you can contact us with any questions at: help@eavara.com
-Samara Mitchell & Family